Current Adverting Strategies To Increase Your Dealership’s Profitability
Whether your dealership is selling more than you ever thought possible or you’re struggling to survive, you could always use more ups on the lot. That’s why we’re sharing the ONE thing successful dealerships are doing now to attract more customers and sell more cars.

105 Ways To Sell A Car
Sometimes coming up with new marketing ideas can seem impossible. Who has time for that? That’s why we put together a quick list of 105 Ways To Sell A Car.

How To Prepare For Selling Season
Summertime is a GREAT time to be a car dealer! The market is flooded with Active Shoppers, and it’s high time for selling cars! But are you sure you’re reaping all the rewards from this added opportunity? In our new post, we show how to make sure you aren’t leaving anything on the table.

How To Take Your Salespeople’s Customer Greetings From Disaster To Dynamite
The secret to your salespeople closing more deals is all in the opening. First impressions are everything, and if your salespeople aren’t doing it right, it could ruin their opportunity (and your dealership’s opportunity) for a sale within the first three minutes of meeting a customer. Here’s everything your salespeople need to know about customer greetings in order to build better rapport and close more customers.

What “The Experts” Are Getting Wrong About Digital Retailing For Dealerships
Everywhere you turn nowadays it feels like someone has a tool for your dealership to embrace digital retailing. But how do you separate fact from fiction? And how do you determine what’s best for your business? We’ve put together a quick post to help set the record straight.

Finally! A Call Cadence For Your BDC That Produces More Appointments And Sales.
Check any BDC and you’ll find that not enough calls are being made to each prospect and that leads are not being reached fast enough. We know that leads drop in quality rapidly after being created, so you need a system for following up with leads fast and often. We’ve got the answer in our new post. Check it out now!

Words Every Salesperson Uses—But Shouldn’t
Each and every word has the power to make an emotional impact on your customers. Make sure your salespeople’s word choices aren’t triggering negative emotions for your customers and killing the sale.

How To Take The Headache Out Of Qualifying Customers
Every dealership has similar steps to the sales process. But there’s one pivotal step almost every salesperson could be doing better, and it could be costing you thousands in sales each month. Here’s how to fix it.

What Monkeys Can Teach You About Doubling Your Traffic And Selling More Cars
Sometimes the best advice comes from the most unlikely places. Believe it or not, monkeys can actually teach us a lot about selling cars.

Dealers And General Managers: This One Simple Time-Management Hack Could Help You Put More Cash In Your Pocket
Too many Dealers and General Managers are leaving money on the table by making this common time-management mistake. Find out how you can make more money every day with this easy time hack.

How To Stop Wasting Time, Energy And Money On Recruiting And Get Top Quality Employees With One Simple Step
Finding good talent nowadays can be difficult. Not only that but the process of recruiting, hiring and training new employees can be expensive and time-consuming. But if you want to stop wasting resources on finding new employees, the answer is simple. Find ways to keep the talent you’ve already got.

One Easy Skill That’ll Help Your Salespeople Sell More Cars
Customers will close themselves when they feel heard, understood and guided. If you truly want a customer to take your recommendations and commit to the purchase, then your salespeople need them to accept and confirm for themselves that they’ve actually heard and understood them. However, most don’t. Here’s how you can train your salespeople to have better conversations and close more sales.