The difference between the dealerships who see major success in 2023 and the ones who don’t, is all in the planning they do now. While many dealers have seen measurable success this year, complacency and lack of planning could lead to a plateau in sales going into the new year.

Here’s your step-by-step roadmap for helping your dealership stand out and ensure continued growth next year:

1. Start By Selling Solutions

One reason so many dealerships flourished this past year is due to a bump in demand caused by COVID-19. Not only were there more first-time car buyers than ever before, more people in general were seeking safe and reliable transportation options.

This caused an influx of shoppers who weren’t concerned about things like model, make, features or price. No, a lot of these car buyers were simply looking for transportation solutions that fit into their budgets. And it’s the dealerships who focused on customers solutions instead of focusing on cars who sold the most.

Selling solutions means helping customers analyze their current situation and determine what vehicle would be right for their budget and lifestyle; showing them various options for getting rid of a vehicle they no longer want but may still be making payments on; presenting them with options for financing even if they’ve had past issues with their credit; and providing a buying experience that’s fun and stress-free.

To capitalize on this continually growing population of people who are looking for affordable transportation options, you need to start selling solutions.

2. Show Customers You’re The ONLY Right Choice

You’re not the only dealership in town people could visit, but you need to frame yourself as the only dealership in town people should visit. The one thing all customers are seeking more than anything else is a buying preference—a reason to choose one car over another, one dealership over another.

If you want to attract more traffic and ensure customers choose you over your competition you need to create a buying preference at your dealership.

A buying preference can come in many forms but some of the best include selling solutions to customers instead of pushing particular vehicles; fostering an environment at your dealership that makes car buying effortless and enjoyable; and overall advertising everything that makes your dealership uniquely valuable when compared to others.

3. Create Compelling Offers & Advertise Like Nobody Else

If you want to sell more than everybody else, you need to do things differently than everybody else.

Too many dealerships are not only focusing on the wrong things in their advertising, but they’re also all advertising in the same place. This combination of the wrong marketing message matched with marketing over-saturation means your ads aren’t reaching your customers.

If you want people to know you exist you need to ensure your marketing message is being heard. This means creating a compelling offer unlike any other dealerships are doing—for example, a credit-based offer. This may also mean advertising where other dealerships won’t—for example, radio advertising.

Overall, if you want to sell more in 2023 you need to stand out and stop doing what every other dealership is doing. Stop trying to differentiate your dealership with just low prices.

Looking for even more ways to become the “go to” dealer in your area and pull ahead in 2023? Stop trying to differentiate your dealerships with just low prices, give customers what they really want and get customers invested in your dealership BEFORE they even set foot in your door.