The average car shopper will do 15 hours of research online before setting foot inside a dealership. This aspect of today’s car buying process is causing big problems for dealerships. Because so many shoppers are assuming the role of researcher when buying a car, it’s becoming difficult for dealerships to build a relationship with these customers before they’ve been mentally dismissed.
That’s because, if a customer visits your website and doesn’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave your website and mentally cross your dealership off their list. Wrong make? Wrong model? Wrong color? Wrong price? DISQUALIFIED! And so before you’ve even had a chance to have a conversation with this person, you’ve lost your chance to work with them.
Being able to convert these customers into leads before they’ve made a hasty decision would stop this from happening. And the first step is optimizing your website for lead generation.
When you shift your focus away from VDP views and site visits and start focusing on generating leads, you open the door to having more opportunities to speak with potential customers, which will ultimately lead to selling more cars.
But how do you do it?
Optimizing your website for leads is simple because it’s already a hub of valuable information. But if this information is accessible to anyone who visits your site, you’re missing a great opportunity to generate leads. Instead, take a small portion of this valuable information and reward it to visitors after they’ve shared a small portion of their information with you.
Throughout years of testing, we’ve found customers are more than willing to share small bits of information about themselves if they feel the information they gain in return is valuable. So when you offer valuable information, you gain trust and earn the lead.
And once you’ve earned the lead, you’ve earned the opportunity to talk with this customer and show yourself to be the expert with the answers they’ve been looking for.
By making adjustments like these simple we’ve improved dealership’s conversion rates from the industry average to over 20%. And so can you.
To find out where your leads are coming from and how many opportunities you’re missing out on, get your Free Market Domination report right here. Plus, you’ll learn THE OFFER that converts the most visitors to leads for your website.